virgo harvest

The Sun passes through the Zodiac sign of Virgo from 22 August to 22 September.

The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin, Aset (Isis), Mary, the Abundant Earth Mother, Gaia, Goddess of the Harvest.

The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. This represents the natural gestation cycle form conception to birth, from sowing to reaping.

During the harvest period teamwork and efficiency were required to bring in the crops within a certain window of time and then allocational skills were needed to share the bounty fairly, saving some for medicine and putting some in storage before planting for the next season.

harmony with nature

Virgo is the higher expression of Mercury. Those born under the Virgo Sun are therefore said to be hard working, precise, practical and environmentally connected – aware of the natural cycles of Time.

So how to work with this energy?

Every year as the Sun passes through Virgo we are all immersed in this specific frequency and able harness the energy.

We all have Virgo in our chart somewhere and the position (or house/s) that Virgo occupies shows us where we can best apply the beneficial aspects and tackle the challenges that it brings.

Physically Virgo is an Earth sign, the abundance of the harvest, so health and nutrition are centre stage. Herbalism is my number one activity to enjoy as we can forage many natural ingredients at this time and store them in dried form or oil infusions to last us throughout the winter months. Its all about appreciation of nature and our connection to planet Earth.

Diet and exercise are also favoured especially around the New Moon in Virgo, a perfect time to begin a new health regime. For real results though, the mind body connection must be taken into account.

Mentally Virgo is the higher expression of Mercury.

The mind can go into overdrive if not kept in its right place – the servant not the master. Virgo is the logical left brain opposite Pisces the intuitive right brain.

It is important to de-programme and release any thoughts and beliefs that are not serving us. This is the perfect task for the mind to busy itself with so that we can access our deeper selves.

Soulfully Virgo is the loving mother. Setting soulful intentions requires knowing what we want. Virgo can be super productive, efficient and organised but what are we working towards? Virgo understands the cycles of time from seed to harvest and what needs to be done when to achieve the greater result. The trap here is being busy for the sake of being busy. Stopping to calm the mind and pause the production process while we connect with the nourishing feminine, will reconnect us with our heart’s higher service and help us to put meaningful plans in place.

This article is written by astrologer Zoe Hind. Zoe provides readings, coaching and courses in Astrology, Tarot, Herbalism and other magical subjects

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