The Sun and the Moon are together at the final degree of Pisces which is also the final degree of the Zodiac. This is also a Total Solar Eclipse.

new moon

The Moon enters the eclipse in Pisces and exits in Aries.

The journey from Pisces to Aries is an extraordinary one. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. The symbol for which is two fish swimming in opposite directions. One fish faces backwards, reviewing all that has happened in the past year (Zodiac cycle), and showing us how to take what we have learned and apply it to create a more conscious life, in tune with the present and that will take us into a brighter future. After full reflection and atonement, it is necessary to let go of anything that no longer serves us with gratitude before we can step over the threshold into a solar new cycle.

The other fish faces forwards towards the future, as we journey through the Spring Equinox and into a new zodiac year with fresh hope and dynamism.

spring equinox
The Spring Equinox is a time when the world rebalances and night becomes equal to day. We feel this shift intuitively in our bodies as a vital recalibration takes place.

We naturally require more sleep and cleansing to get ourselves ready as the Sun enters Aries to begin again a new life cycle.
This is the time when energy levels rise and fall more dramatically causing tidal waves on rivers and in our emotional and subconscious states.

The Spring Equinox is a sacred initiation point where we must release the past before stepping over the threshold. It is very rare to have the Sun and the Moon together at this time. So, as we travel with the Moon and the Sun across this tipping point it is important that we release anything that we have been holding onto that no longer serves us in order that we can become lighter and expand up a level.

All our lessons have served us and we hold onto them emotionally in the cells of our bodies. So to release we need to let go of our attachment, our story and our narrative.

Aries is esoterically connected to the Fool card in tarot. Airy, bright, free and ready to take another turn on the wheel.
This is the true meaning of enlightenment. To loose the density, the baggage and the dead weight at the right moments in our sacred calendar in order that we are living, being and expressing an ever expanding vibration of consciousness; shining brightly and leading the way.

zoeZoe Hind provides Readings, coaching and courses in Astrology, Tarot, Herbalism and other magical subjects. For more information visit her website.

In case you missed it here is a recording of an interview with Zoe Hind on ‘Demystifying Astrology’ broadcasted on the Conscious Revolution Show on SoulTraveller Radio.

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