Back in 2010 Laetitia Mandel was at a loss when her contract and shining career as a HR manager wasn’t renewed. Using this as an opportunity to do something different with her life, Laetitia discovered NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and embarked on a life changing journey of self discovery, healing and helping others as an NLP coach. 

It all started in 2010 when my Human Resource’s managers contract did not get reviewed. And looking back now I can only be thankful for what has come out of what was an inconvenient situation at the time.

After 10 years of a growing and shining career in big box corporations, I had come to two realisations: one, I did not want to to work for a corporation ever again and two, I have a talent of deep connectedness with people. So I decided to focus on that and to find something to do with the “helping people and making the world a better place” industry. Then I met an NLP counsellor from whom I was seeking advice about on the field of coaching, that is when the beginning of the magic happened. She literally said to me ”you have to learn about NLP. And for some reason, I trusted her and on I went for the first part of my NLP journey.


To me, NLP is the study of the deep structure of communication and the modelling of excellence from and with other beings. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method of influencing brain behaviour (the “neuro”) through the use of language (the “linguistic”) and other types of communication, to enable people to “re-programme” the way their brain respond to stimuli (the “programming”) and manifest and create new behaviours.

NLP has transformed and elevated my journey. The power of the state of mind and tools that come with it allowed me to identify my limiting beliefs and recurrent patterns which were holding me back, making me feel incongruent and holding so many of my talents in. Because the power of NLP is infinite, one can keep on following courses and still learn and grow their skills and techniques. And so, since 2010 I have I accumulated a nice collection of seven courses of which six were intensive. And by intensive, I mean seven to ten days in a row which make the shifts and transformation of the learning much deeper and more powerful in my opinion.

It is during one of this course back in early 2011 that I metTristan Soames who was on a similar journey as mine, but a few steps ahead. By the end of 2011 I was struggling to get my coaching to go anywhere profitable and the reason being simply that I was not ready yet. So I took on another kind of work, running brunch cafes in Amsterdam. I had myself not done my innerwork to a point where I could actually claim to help others. Because coaches (and people in general) can only go as far as they have done their innerwork and heal their traumas. It is like being healthy really, one can do as much diet and sport as one want, if the mind is not healthy the body won’t follow.

Same applies with the usage of NLP. Which makes the journey even more special. The more I heal, the more they heal and thus the more I heal and it goes on in a loop as infinite as the universe.

In July 2013 I realised I felt that I was hitting a wall and I decided to get myself help and work with a coach. And I thought of Tristan. He has been my coach since and became a mentor and a dear friend. Tristan has allowed me to uncover so many of my core patterns and to change them and that has allowed so much more room to make decisions for my life for what I really deeply want, not what a boss, society or my family want. By April 2014, I hit a nice burn out so I left the hospitality business and decided to take action to realise my dream to become a coach.

And so I decided to follow and model Tristan because he was living the life I was dreaming of as a coach and NLP facilitator. From October 2014 to March 2015 I went to Ibiza, to South Africa, to India, and embarked on a profound journey.


Tristan is the most gentle, talented, present, real time, empathic, connected coach and facilitator. His level of NLP skills is world class and he is a natural at seeing people for who they are. He is allowing them to be and to grow at their own pace and skilfully always challenges them to go to the next level. In his courses and retreats, he creates a safe environment where impressive and lasting transformations happen. Each individual I met during all of the courses I participated in, were deeply transformed and took a big step closer to who they really are, want, and do.


And all that in the most magical places on Earth. The natural surrounding in Ibiza, South Africa and India also bring the learning to a more profound level as nature as its way to awaken things in us human.

We are now in the spring of 2015 and I feel like I have literally transformed my life at 360 degrees in a year and a half, feeling free and that I am finally doing what I am supposed to do. And what a gift to myself and others that is. And this is a gift that is accessible to anyone who wants it.

You can get in touch with Laetitia and find out more about her on her website.Tristan Soames is a Master Trainer and Developer of NLP who runs High Performance Coaching programmes and Retreats all over the world. Tristan uses a unique combination of leading edge NLP practices and principles from The Spotlight System™ which he developed to help leaders, coaches and entrepreneurs to create rapid personal and professional transformation and to call life on their terms and make a real impact in the world.Tristan

Tristan is running two upcoming life changing NLP retreats. A Transformational Leadership NLP retreat in Ibiza from the 13th – 17th May 2015 and a Multi-Level NLP Retreat in Goa from the 2nd – 11th January 2016.


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