Finding your perfect retreat is much like trying to find a needle in a haystack, with so many different types of activities, destinations and packages to choose from it’s hard to know where to start.

To help you decide here’s our guide of why, what, when and how to find your perfect retreat.

What’s your why?

Each person has a different reason for going on a retreat, for example – do you wish to start or deepen your yoga practice? Do you want to be working out every day to increase your fitness levels?
Or would you prefer to simply switch off and relax?
Knowing the answer to this question will help you decide upon the theme of the retreat that’s most suitable for you.

For example: I’m a stressed out corporate – – then go for a calming retreat that’s going to nourish and destress you.

I want to advance my yoga practice – – then choose a retreat that offers daily classes and where you can get plenty of support, one to one attention, and adjustments from your teacher.

I want to kickstart my health – a retreat can be the catalyst to start again, to re-charge your batteries and get you taking care of yourself!

I need a detox – then choose a retreat to cleanse your mind, body and soul

I am short on time – there are many short break and weekend retreats you can escape to for a healthy break

Where do you want to go?

Are you a beach, jungle or a mountain person (or all three)?

Can you see yourself waking up to the sound of the waves every day and feeling the sand between your toes?

Or would you much prefer to be up in the mountains, surrounded by nature and getting a sense of perspective on things and a feeling like time is standing still?

Important considerations are the travelling time and how to get to your destination. This is also dependent on the length of time you’ve got for your entire trip, so do your research and find out exactly where the retreat is located and how long it’s going to take to get there.

Are you going to be ok with spending a full day travelling by plane, boat then possibly a bus, then a taxi?

Or would you prefer something that is going to be stress free, closer to home and will only take you a few hours to get to your end destination?

I want to travel around Europe –  discover these yoga retreats in 5 of Europe’s most popular destinations – France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece

Take me to the beach –  get your daily dose of sand, sea and sun salutations.

I want to go to one of best places in the world for healing – let travel be your medicine and go find your magical place of power and peace.

I’ve always wanted to go to Southeast Asia but not sure where!

I’d like all three please! Then Costa Rica is the place for you.

You can find more retreat destinations here.

Are you looking for luxury or are you on a budget?

This is very much dependent on personal taste and your budget of course. Think about your level of luxury and whether you are going to be happy to share a room with a stranger or whether your own room in a five star hotel is more your style?

I am all about the views and infinity pools – here’s our top (very instagram worthy) picks of the best views you can wake up to

I am looking for luxury – here’s our favourite luxury retreats, city breaks and spa’s

I am on a budget – the best investment you can make is in yourself, but it doesn’t have to break the bank.

Find a retreat for £1000 or under.

Help me find a retreat!

When do you want to travel?

This can depend on things such as when you can get holiday from work and what kind of season or weather you prefer.

The ‘best times’ to travel to a destination will be different for each country. For example, for Thailand – the best time to travel is during the cool and dry season between November and early April.

In Europe, if you want sun and warm weather then travel during the summer months. In Costa Rica, January is one of the best times to travel after the holiday peak season finishes and the rain ends, but the rainforests remains lush into the new year while dry sunny weather prevails on the beaches.

Or perhaps you’d like to get away during Christmas and New Year. Going on a retreat can be the perfect solution to do something that you love every day, go on an adventure, discover a new destination and meet new people.

I want to go away for Christmas and New Year – escape the madness (or the bad weather) at home!

I’m a spontaneous and always looking for a deal – then pack your bags for one of these last minute retreats

I’m a huge fan of Mediterranean summers – a retreat is the perfect summer getaway when you’re bored of your annual re-tox holiday and you’re in need of a healthy holiday or a lifestyle detox

Spring is my favourite time of year – if you’re a fan of hiking then this is the best time to get one with mother nature

Help me find a retreat!

Do you want to go alone, with your best friend or partner?

Many people on a retreat decide to travel alone because you kind of get the best of both worlds – you’ve got the group there to support you and you get to meet and connect with new people.

People choose to travel solo for a number of reasons, independence, freedom, adventure, self discovery and the world is just too big to wait around for someone to say yes every time you feel the urge to buy a one way plane ticket.

At the same, if you decide to go with someone else then you get to share a wonderful experience with them.

I love to go solo –  here’s our top recommendations on destinations and retreats for the solo traveller.

I’d feel more at home with my friends – Treat yourselves to a retreat whilst having fun and sharing memorable moments with your friends

Who is the teacher?

Make sure you do your research and find out how long they have been teaching for, the style of yoga, pilates or activity that they teach and whether that’s going to suit your level.

It goes without saying to find out about their qualifications and credentials, because you’re going to have a really different experience with someone who has only been teaching for say one year, compared to someone who has been teaching for 20 years, who has a wealth of experience behind them and who has ran a multitude of retreats.

When you have chosen your retreat, make sure you connect with your teacher. Jennie Russell aka The Travelling Yogi shares these tips ”before you arrive, let them know of any current injuries you have and also any dietary requirements so we can make sure we cater for you.

Also, please feel free to let us know what you’d like to work on…headstands, hip opening, relaxation techniques etc…a good teacher will do their best to sequence this into the classes.

We’re here to give you the best experience so don’t be afraid to ask!”. You can connect with Jennie on Instagram here.

Master Yoga Teacher and founder of the Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course Organic Alchemy Yoga, Maricha Dumont gives this advice, ”as a yoga practitioner teacher, I think that it is really important before you choose a retreat, to ask to yourself “What am I really looking for? Are you looking for a Yoga Immersion in India, that could be emotionally challenging? or a week focused on self care and cocooning on a paradise island?

Both are beautiful experiences, and both are yoga retreats but you could be disappointed by one or the other if you are not prepared. Another important point is to check the teacher’s certifications, as it’s so easy to get a certificate these days, it is sometimes hard to be sure of the quality of the teachings.
In order to avoid any bad surprises, make sure that the teacher of the retreat has many years of teaching experience.

A Yoga Retreat is a wonderful gift that you are giving yourself, that’s why it is so important to take time to choose the right one”.

You can connect with Maricha on instagram

Help me find a retreat!

If you have any questions or need advice on how to find your perfect retreat then you can email our retreat advisors on [email protected]. Namaste!

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