The healing powers of Yoga: Holistic Expert Kaya Peters talks about how Yoga changed her life and fuelled her personal healing journey
I was 21 when I found myself at the peak of a heavy eating disorder, depression and serious anxiety attacks. Coming from a childhood full of emotional abuse and physical violence, I was pretty lost and merely busy surviving rather than living. I was working as a bartender in Amsterdam, stuck in several addictive and destructive behaviours, and found myself wondering: “There must be an end to this suffering”.

Following the advice of a friend of mine, I booked a one-way ticket to Thailand, where I ended up in a Buddhist monastery. I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but being in that place changed my life forever, as it sent me on a spiritual healing journey, which lasted for the next 7 years. I traveled the world living with masters and teachers, I studied and I practiced, and managed to heal myself from the pain and agony that I was feeling, and for which regular therapy had never been able to give me answers. I found answers in following my Souls path.
When I was 28, it was time for me to go into the world and bring into practice all I had learned. With a great affinity for Middle Eastern culture and tradition, life brought me to Dubai, where I set up my business as a private teacher and therapist. I started offering private sessions and workshops, and later taught my own retreats, held talks and was a guest teacher on regular events. I was featured in local magazines and became a wellness writer for several on- and offline platforms.
I always tell people how Yoga has been such a great help in my personal healing journey, and without it, I honestly would not know where I would have been today. My Yoga journey was very difficult, and I struggled for years with all sorts of physical pains and imbalances. But, the slow and steady learning and recovery process, taught me how to empathise with others and really understand whatever it is they are going through. I learned to read body’s like no other, and developed a highly intuitive gift to be able to see others diseases and imbalances. I call my Yoga a therapy, as it really truly is. Through my teachings I aim to help others free themselves from all the suffering I once went through myself.
I’m very passionate about teaching REAL Yoga, as that is what I learned: meditation, breath and excellent posture. It’s difficult to see that nowadays Yoga has turned into some sort of fancy fitness exercise, and it’s so easy to become a teacher these days. I really focus on staying true to all the amazing teachings I have so gratefully received, and integrate my knowledge of whole food nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine and other holistic healing modalities. Everything I teach comes from a wealth of personal experience and over a decade of teaching others.

I believe Yoga has the power to heal and transform. And this, combined with the power of Mother Nature, eating real food, and cultivating positive thoughts, can change ones life forever. Therefore I aim to offer as many retreats as possible, so more and more people can start living a life of happiness and purpose and one they are meant to live, and find the voice of their hearts.
Join Kaya at her upcoming Luxury Health and Wellness Retreat in Italy from the 19th – 26th of April for a week full of tools to truly help you improve your life! You will love the daily Yoga and meditation classes, healing treatments, individual consultations with Kaya and plenty of time for indulgent relaxation. Kaya has developed this retreat especially for those in need of getting away from city life and their busy every day existence, and looks forward to sharing all she has learnt with you during this amazing wellness week in Italy.