You Host: The School Without Walls
Location: Napa, California
When: 30th March – 2nd April
The School Without Walls
The School Without Walls is a school for Seers to awaken to their soul self of the ALL. The School Without Walls provides a space for Seers to release the busy mind of the Self and to hear their soul of heart so they can be in their fullness of themselves.
The School Without Walls focuses on the individuality and uniqueness of the One Self. The School Without Walls is a place that nurtures Soul Self and reminds of the Soul Self. The School Without Walls is open to all. Meet Julia, your retreat leader and host.
Our Indigenous soul: The timeline in both worlds: La Alma De La Vida
What is the Indigenous Soul?
An indigenous soul is what keeps us alive and connects us to the All. The All of this planet and this solar system. The All is how we connect with All the people, all with an indigenous soul.
By having an indigenous soul, you are from this planet, from this solar system/galaxy, and are part of the movement it has.
Each solar system/galaxy has a movement and a purpose. Read more.
Are you ready to unwind your story?
Stories we hold in our human bodies. Some stories of the past are beautiful, loving, caring memories. Some not so much. Are these stories running your life now? Maybe yes, maybe no.
Are we all just holding onto our stories? or are we all unwinding our stories, to take a moment in time. It can take a lifetime. To unwind a story that we have (not ) a clue that is there.
We invite you to come and hang out with us in Napa, California on beautiful land that once belonged to the Mishewal Wappo Tribe. This retreat is intimate and open to only four special guests. We have just one spot left!
Our retreat center hosts, Kawika Alfiche and his partner Kia’i, blessed the place and hold the place with much respect, and by having the Haloa, and teaching hula, it is being used in a loving way.
Let’s see which stories we’d love to keep to bring into our timeline of being at the moment, and into our future. Whose story are you walking around with? Is it your story?
A parent’s story? your ancestors story? is it really your story? or is it? Who does it belong to? It’s a combination of all human stories, your story, their story, my story, the media’s story.
At this retreat we will, with much loving care and respect of Self, gently and lovingly unwind those stories.
We will invite our Soul, Alma self of being to Be our guides of Truth. The Truth. Our Divine Truth. To unwind and intertwine our stories, into the Now and the Future.
Our Retreat Space & Home
[embeddoc url=”https://soulseedmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/OUR-INDIGENOUS-SOUL-ACCOMMODATION-GUIDE-2023.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”browser”]
Click here for further details and booking.