Kundalini 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in London with Carolyn Cowan | May – October 2025

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About The Retreat

Kundalini Global teachers understand that people come to yoga because they want to experience themselves differently. They understand the power of yoga to deal with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, negative history and physical responses to trauma in the body.

Using the best and most exquisite practices of the ancient technology of Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini Global teachers work with the nervous system to create a sense of balance within the self, and empower the journey forward in the quantum fields of right here, right now.

Between 2020 and 2022, Kundalini Global ran its first three level 1 teacher trainings and many of those who took part are now teaching, successfully. Not everyone chooses to go on to teach, but, thus far, many who arrive at the training intending for it to be a personal experience have walked away with a passion for teaching others.

Conversely, many who arrive with the aim to teach have been taken aback by how much they gained in terms of their own personal insight and development, with reflection and change coming to their personal and professional lives, as well as becoming excellent teachers.

Module One: 2nd – 5th May, 2025: Join in person, in Battersea, London. Or attend via Zoom.

Module Two: 6th – 9th June, 2025: This module is entirely online.

Module Three: 4th – 7th July, 2025: This module is entirely online.

Module Four: 5th – 8th September, 2024: Join in person, in Battersea, London. Or attend via Zoom.

Module Five: 3rd – 6th October, 2025: This module is entirely online.

Overview of the Training

Here are the level one training module descriptions, these are subject to change dependent on the availability of visiting lecturers. The next training begins in May 2025 and will now be offered online, with the option to attend two of five modules in person. This means, if you cannot travel, you can take part, live, in all 220 hours of the training via Zoom.

If you can, or are based in London, you can join Carolyn in Battersea for the first module in May, and the fourth in September, as she hosts these two modules in a hybrid format.

The Kundalini Global community is growing, rapidly, and now is an exciting time to join us.

Here are the level one training module descriptions, these are subject to change dependent on the availability of visiting lecturers.

The Level One 220 Hour Yoga Alliance Certification is dependent upon attending 85% of all modules, the submission of a 2000-2500 word essay per module, a guided and marked practicum, participation in peer led practice groups, and the completion of the final exam.

Each taught module will contain yoga series and teaching practicums, posture, meditation and pranayama workshops, and there will be two, two hour long, supervision sessions to support the learning objectives.

We have prepared a booklet that gives more details about the Level One training. The booklet is in PDF format that you can read and download.


5, The Old Laundry, Battersea, London. SW11 1YF.

Dates and Syllabus

On every day of the training, time is given to yoga series and working with posture, breath practise and meditation.

There will also be time for teaching practicums, both on each day of the training and in the spaces between. On every other day of the training there will also be two additional hours of supervision.

Supervision is important to Kundalini Global teachers. It is a space in which teachers and trainees can work with what is coming up for them as they step into teaching, what is tripping us up or holding us back.

Supervision and being supervised is not as bossy as it sounds. Indeed, it is a support system that aids in creating excellent, well boundaried, emotionally regulated, teachers who can do great things.

Beyond all of this we have many topics that will be covered over the course of the 220 hours including:

Module One 2nd – 5th May

  • Examining the personal core belief system. Cults of Thought
  • What is Yoga? What is Spirituality? What is Kundalini?
  • Mind Body Spirit axis
  • Understanding hormones.
  • Understanding how stress system works:
  • Neural plasticity. The Amygdala.
  • Introduction to prayer. Altars & their uses.

Module One Self-Directed Study:

  • Research & presentation topic: Origins and history of religious, spiritual and yogic practice.

Module Two 6th – 9th June

  • Applied Anatomy with Vicky Fox.
  • Understanding the esoterics of Postures and their effects.
  • Teachers agreement, peer groups, supervision.
  • Understanding value of daily practice. Clothing, the use of music
  • Teaching Styles; Male, female. Holding the room, working a studio, using Zoom.
  • Gentleness. The power of the mat.
  • Student/teacher relationships.
  • The Three Minds. The Body Locks.
  • The Chakras. The Lotus Analogy.

Module Two Self-Directed Study:

  • Hand in 2000 – 2500 word research project from module one. Commence new research & presentation topic.

Module Three 4th – 7th July

  • Examine history & philosophy of gender, patriarchy, feminism
  • Mind Issues; Mental health, depression, stress, anxiety
  • Body Issues; Dysmorphia, shame, trauma, abuse.
  • Eating disorders: disordered eating.
  • Adjustments. Using props.
  • The Nadhis.The Tantras. Maps on the body.
  • Rhythms of the body and mind.
  • Mantra workshop.

Module Three Self-Directed Study:

  • Hand in 2000 – 2500 word research project from module two. Commence new research & presentation topic

Module Four 5th – 8th September

  • Understanding different religious beliefs & practices
  • Divine masculine and feminine. 7 Steps to heaven, 7 Steps to Hell.
  • Left and right energy fields. Upper & lower triangle.
  • Anti-Racism. Understanding Inclusion; gender, religions.
  • The Power of NOW. Nine Types of Prayer.

Module Four Self-Directed Study:

  • Hand in 2000 – 2500 word research project from module three. Commence new research & presentation topic

Module Five 3rd – 6th October

  • Quantum physics and the Quantum Fields. Finding the Gold.
  • The Coat of your history, the power of your projection.
  • Nidra & relaxation. Mindfulness & posture.
  • Finding & working with your gift. Alchemy.
  • Plant medicine. Additions to the teaching practice.
  • Ceremony & ritual. Celestial communication
  • Affirmations & gratitude.

Module Five Self-Directed Study:

  • Hand in 2000 – 2500 word research project from module four and presentation.

Key aspects of the training

Kundalini Global teachers become experts in areas that most interest them, often inspired by aspects of the training that they find most potent to their own transformation.

Alongside individual areas of specialism there are core aspects of the training that I believe all trainees become expert in.

Of course this is only a small taste of the huge array of topics we will explore together on the training, but I hope this will give you a taster of some of the core aspects of what you can expect:

Self Initiation

One of the things that makes Kundalini Global different from other forms of yoga is that, when I’m training teachers, I’m training teachers to understand how to take themselves back.

One of the things I teach trainees is self initiation. Right from the very beginning it’s all about self initiation. Not everyone will get it initially. But, if you take on this training, you come to choose yourself.

In Kundalini Global we play with Intention. Our intention is an extraordinary and potent thing. And most people really have absolutely no idea how potent the intention is.

Let me show you…

In my research and reading and the fact that I have arrived at this very grand age… how I have moved through my life, I realise my brain must be different. I don’t find it acceptable to be told how I should think, or how I should dress, or how I should cut my hair. Or even who I should sleep with. I just don’t get it. I don’t get how somebody else should get to judge that. I’ve always found it kind of curious! It doesn’t upset me, my brain just can’t make a space for that to be ok.

And so my research has always been about autonomy, about self initiation, and about ‘what is it that we keep giving away?’

A lot of this research has led me to this very fascinating point where I came to understand we have forgotten, we have forgotten what we’re capable of and have no relationship to what we can actually do.

Hormones and The Nervous System

As a trainee you will come to a place where you can share the practise with a deep understanding of how all aspects of the stress system interact with the postures, breaths and meditations that we work with. You will understand the main hormones involved in the stress system and how what we teach works to change hormonal flow.

You will come to know and love the vagus nerve – an aspect of the nervous system that plays a huge role in how we come to understand releasing contractions in the body and mind. You will understand the major muscle groups and how to release them. You will become expert in putting together warm ups that allow for your clients to begin every class reset, from a place of presence.

Radical Inclusivity

Yoga isn’t just for people who can afford to go to Bali and look fabulous on a beach and say to someone else ‘take a picture of me praying!’ ‘Take a picture of me meditating! ‘Take a picture of me in this fantastically difficult posture!’

The power of yoga to help us deal with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, negative history means that I believe the yoga room should be WAY more inclusive. Way, way more inclusive.

But what does that mean for teachers in how we present ourselves? How do we open up classes to those not conforming to general social media based perceptions of body size? How do we deal with someone who comes in the room who has serious back issues? Neck issues? How do we help adjust postures? How do we give them the experience that we know we can have if we know we are fortunate in how we can move our bodies physically? How do we create diverse communities in our classes in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identity and gender preference?

How do we make the classes welcoming for all religious and spiritual belief systems? These are all questions we will explore.

Teaching Skills

Being a yoga teacher is not easy. The Kundalini Global teacher training will train you in being conscious, not only of what comes in the room, but of how to hold it all with good boundaries, integrity, and a skillset that works to land all of your clients into presence. We will explore and play with everything from how you use you voice to music, to how you present yourself, to ways in which you can manage tricky clients.

We also explore marketing yourself as a teacher and how to get started with your own workshops and classes.

The Esoterics of Posture

Esoteric thought may say that the stomach is the seat of the subconscious or that the liver holds anger. Almost impossible to prove, but still potent lines of thought that science cannot disrupt other than slowly, over time, discovering that maybe some of them really can be held up in truth.

We are each made up of much generational, genealogical, archetypal and experienced energies. Esoteric thought can be the most wonderful way to consider your place in this curious reality.

On the training we will consider ‘what is the Kundalini energy?’ From there we will explore spirituality, cults of thought, Transcendence and Immanence, the energetics of the physical body and also the upper and lower triangles, the chakra system and much, much more.

Thinking about how impossible it can all seem, at times, to take all of this in, here’s hoping that scientists will finally find the little elephant sitting on a lotus leaf in the root chakra!

Religion and Religious Thought

As a teacher I am aware that I have people who come to my classes that are muslim, christian, people who are agnostic, atheist… and yet they can each access, through the way that I approach teaching, a very profound experience of a relationship to the divine, in whatever form they believe it to be.

I think that is important to recognise that in all religious and spiritual practise, including shamanism, there are some extraordinary rituals and ceremonies and practises that can really link us into a much deeper relationship to our purpose. Perhaps to reframe our story in a different way.

I will also be looking at equality and balance in gender identity, how people identify themselves, and the religious and (sometimes very strong) spiritual judgments that are made about this, and I think that to open the class up to be more inclusive and to understand how to address this is really important.

As a Kundalini Global trainee the invitation will be for you to develop a deep understanding of, and respect for, all religious and spiritual belief systems

Quantum Fields

This is a Kundalini Yoga training. We work with the Kundalini. On the training we explore the internal relationship to the Divine, from which many of us have become quite disconnected. When we can connect to the Divine within, when we can connect with the Divine without, and when neither of those have to be according to religious doctrine or prescription, if that doesn’t work for you (and if it does, that’s fantastic) your relationship to the internal divine is actually about the magnificence of your ability to continually create your reality.

That’s not a small thing to say. You have the ability to continually create your reality. Now what are you doing with this ability? It’s a big question. A huge question.

I’m a therapist, I have conversations with people for hours every day, and there is so much out there of ‘I hate this’, ‘I’m depressed’, ‘I hate my life’ ‘I can’t do this’, these extraordinary statements to the universe. An enormous amount of what we believe in, an enormous amount of what we get offended and upset by, doesn’t actually exist.

We are currently totally overtaken by what we perceive to be our reality, which for most of us over the past year or more has existed entirely on the Internet. Whether that is a computer screen, or social media or a phone, the news, the Internet has done something very very interesting to our sense of ourselves. We’ve abandoned our autonomy. We’ve totally forgotten about how potent we can be.

As a trainee you will join me in looking at yoga through the lens of the quantum field! What are we doing, what are we believing about ourselves? Where are we tripping up? And what can we do about it?

If you would like to find out, or to go deeply in to all of these fascinating areas of interest, and are ready to confirm your place on the next Kundalini Global teacher training, go to the website and click on ‘booking’ where you will find options for securing your place.


  • There are two payment options; one payment of £3,600.00 for the full amount or, it is possible to pay in three separate instalments each of £1,200.00.


  • Attending 85% of all days live
  • The submission of a 2000-2500 word essay per module
  • A guided and marked practicum
  • Participation in peer led practice groups
  • The completion of the final exam


To make a booking and request further information – you can download the PDF here, and complete the form below.