I’ve been creating and producing content for my clients Facebook pages over the last 5 years. Whilst having to constantly keep up with the new changes that Facebook makes to it’s algorithm affecting both our Timelines and our news feed, i’ve learnt a lot about what type of content has an impact and results in positive engagement and shares.
I often spend time actually tuning in to people’s moods online and i’ve noticed that the moon definitely affects people’s habits and we’re often very in sync with one another in what resonates with us and what we’re responding to. When I see a post that goes ‘viral’ and keeps ending up dominating my news feed, if it’s relevant to my clients audience then I will share it!
In my social media workshops I teach people how to create contagious content and share examples of content i’ve had the best results with. Shareability is all about what the post does to people – it has an effect on them that they want to share with others.
Highly shareable posts do at least one of the following:
- GIVE: Offers, discounts, deals or contests that everyone can benefit from, not just one sub-group of your friends
- ADVISE: Tips, especially about problems that everyone encounters; for example, how to get a job or how to beat the flu
- WARN: Warnings about dangers that could affect anyone
- AMUSE: Funny pictures and quotes, as long as they’re not offensive to any group- sometimes the humour isn’t quite as strong or edgy- it has to appeal to a general audience
- INSPIRE: Inspirational quotes
- AMAZE: Amazing pictures or facts
Here’s an example of an inspirational style post that reached on 12,696 people that I created for my client the Mind Body Spirit Festival.
Top tips:
- Make your posts timely and relevant.
- The exact image size requirements are 403 x 403 pixels for a Timeline post.
- Put your branding/logo on the image and if promoting an event you can add the date in there.
- there.
- Use photo editing software or get a series of images professionally designed with text.
- Put a link to your website or blog.
- Make sure you look at your Facebook insights to give you some insight as to what your most popular posts are.
I’d be interested to hear what type of content has worked successfully for your business, please share your thoughts by commenting below. I’ll be delivering my next Social Media workshop in London on Saturday 9th of November where i’ll be sharing more of my tips on creating contagious content – further details here.