You can choose your 5 or 7 day Holistic Detox, Meditation & Yoga Retreat in Alicante to your preference and personally availability. We invite you to this rejuvenating retreat to detox your body and mind, reduce your stress levels and find your inner balance through yoga, meditation, and holistic workshops. This personalised and private retreat is not a simple vacation retreat.
It is an opportunity to reconcile with yourself which is the relationships with life, health, strength, and spiritual path, take a time for looking inside and find yourself. Furthermore, this retreat will be the time to open your heart and rest from the stresses as well as requirements of your daily life.
This retreat is suitable for all levels, whether you are new to yoga and looking to develop your practice or a dedicated yogi wanting to challenge yourself further and to refine and deepen your technique. The instructors will propose accessible classes to all people and structured levels.
The sessions will operate to free physical energy blockages through soft and flowing postures calls asanas, pranayama, and thorough practices to increase and balance this pranic energy which links these yoga practices to other very balanced and progressive class created.
To accompany this detox, you will use the tools of yoga and holistic psychology. In the yoga tradition, the work with the chakras is an important part of it. Here, there will be an included systematic schedule of practice across every chakra within the context of a philosophy that is both pragmatic and transcendental to prepare you in every way for this great adventure in consciousness.
On the other hand, this practice will also be combined with healing workshops which dynamics also try to develop awareness and exploration of these energy centres in an easy and relaxed way.
Yoga and meditations balance dual energies, restoring inner peace, and deep states of relaxation of the body as well as the mind through simple practices will result in a wonderful inner balance which is ideal for enjoying the yoga and the charms of this magnetic Mediterranean coastline.
Benimeli is situated north of Segaria Valley and is regarded as the very northern part of the Costa Blanca coastline. The sun is said to shine here 320 days a year. Segaria Valley and Javea are divided by the Montgo mountain – said to resemble a sleeping elephant. The area is certainly spectacular and offers a number of walking routes.
Full details and booking for this Holistic Detox, Yoga and Meditation Retreat can be found here.