Here we have curated a small guide to excellent yoga studios and centres across Spain and the Canary Islands to take your 200 hour hour teacher training course in 2022. All of them hosted in stunning locations and taught by highly experienced and exceptional teachers in the industry.
200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Valencia with Gerry Rixen
Available Dates:
1 January – 23 January
29 January – 20 February
5 March – 27 March
4 June – 26 June
6 August – 28 August
26 November 18 December
This 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training is registered by Yoga Alliance International YAI and Yoga Alliance Professionals YAP. The course reflects an energetic and therapeutic approach to yoga in line with the instructors Gerry Rixon’s wide ranging experience which includes 30 years as a professional shiatsu therapist and teacher.
Sequences taught are designed to improve both strength and flexibility as well as bring awareness to the flow of subtle energy through the body. You may apply for the YAP certification after graduation. This Yoga Teacher Training program emphasises teaching from beginner to intermediary levels.
It concentrates on safety, the use of props, correct breathing and alignment, restorative asana, relaxation and meditation as well as more dynamic and strong asanas to improve strength, endurance and will power.
Practitioners are advised to have a minimum of two years and 100 hours yoga experience. It is also helpful for students to have a basic understanding of the philosophy of Yoga, lifestyle and diet; however all these subjects are taught during the course. Details and pricing.
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Frog Lotus Yoga International at Suryalila
Available dates:
Winter: January 8 — January 29 with Vidya Heisel
Spring: March 12 — April 2 with Vidya Heisel
Summer: July 16 — August 6 with Vidya Heisel
Autumn: October 1 — October 22 with Vidya Heisel
This three week intensive Yoga Teacher Training with Frog Lotus Yoga at Suryalila, Spain is an exceptionally high quality, fully comprehensive, profoundly life transforming retreat. It is passionately, and skilfully, led by Vidya Jacqueline Heisel, E-RYT 500, SYT, the founder and director of Frog Lotus Yoga International and the owner and director of Suryalila.
Vidya is a Master teacher with 40 years of Yoga teaching experience, a deep and experienced knowledge of Yogic philosophy and meditation, as well as being an inspiring practitioner and gifted communicator. The Frog Lotus Yoga Teacher Training Course is a professional, established, comprehensive, well-organised and highly effective programme. For many it is a profoundly transformational and life-affirming journey.
For three whole weeks, you will be fully immersed: talking, thinking, and breathing Yoga with fellow yogis. You will be taken on a magical journey and given all the nurturing and support you need to be successful yoga teacher. Details and pricing.
500 Hour Yoga Therapy Teacher Training in Valencia
Available dates:
2nd – 31st July
This 500 Hour Yoga Therapy Teacher Training program is a chance to delve deep inside ourselves, exploring the profoundly therapeutic benefits of yoga and a unique opportunity to receive the teachings of the experienced therapist Gerry Rixen.
Gerry has been running yoga courses for over 20 years, alongside this he has over 30 years professional experience teaching and treating thousands of patients with Zen shiatsu and traditional Chinese medicine.
He is the founder and director of the International Shiatsu and Yoga school (SYM), established in 1997.This Yoga Therapy Teacher Training course will teach you how to evaluate your patients health using various methods of palpation as well as observation, listening skills, taking detailed case histories and interpreting the signs and symptoms of imbalance and disease.
The SYM has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals demonstrating that the course is of the highest standard. Our graduates are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance Professionals and use their accreditation as a sign of quality training. Places are limited, we accept a maximum of 12 students per group. Details and booking.
200-hour Multistyle Yin & Yang Yoga Teacher Training Course
Dates: 3rd – 24th May
Are you ready for a life changing journey?
Do you want to do what you love?
Are you ready to deepen your yoga practice?
Learn how to teach yoga and share your passion for yoga?
Join our Yoga Alliance 200-hour Viva La Vida Yoga Teacher Training Program in Andalusia, Spain. Our Viva La Vida Yoga Teacher Training is a comprehensive, internationally recognised YTT program. Our training method is unique as it is not limited to one yoga style or blend of styles. Instead, it connects the philosophy of Yoga, Ayurveda and Taoist Yoga (TCM).
We train you by presenting you everything you will need to know in order to practice and teach your own unique style of yoga to anyone. Our primary goal is to cultivate a strong, safe, and strong foundation for yourself and to be able to teach confidently and safely to others.
We focus extra on practical learning and experiencing. We believe that you need to create your own yoga. To understand the various yoga styles and philosophies. To work with what resonates and works for you. We’ll give you a solid basis and inspire you to find your own voice.
Over the last few years we have trained people from more than 25 different countries. Our Viva La Vida’s Yoga Training has developed some really outstanding, creative and passionate yoga teachers who were ready and confident to teach upon graduation, and who have launched some remarkable projects.
Our three week intensive Yoga Teacher Training in Spain is a fully comprehensive, profoundly life transforming experience. We work with small groups up to a max of 16 people. Therefore we can give personal attention to all our trainees. Each trainee has a personal mentor to guide them on their inward journey.
There will be private sessions with your mentor weekly and whenever you feel you would like to have a talk. You can discuss any questions or doubts with your personal mentor. Details and booking.
200 Hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training in Fuerteventura
Available Dates: 26th June – 10th July
This 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training course in Fuerteventura is certified as an ERYT-200 Yoga Alliance training school. It will offer student-teachers of all levels of experience the chance to immerse themselves in theoretical, practical, historical and spiritual dimensions of vinyasa yoga with Andrea Everingham.
Be empowered; deepen your practice and soak up the Fuerteventura sunshine whilst you immerse in the study of yoga. This program is for any practitioner who wants to become a yoga teacher as well as for yoga students who want to advance and deepen their yoga practice and understanding of yoga.
During the 200 hours of this yoga teacher training we will study asana, anatomy, alignment, yoga philosophy and most importantly you will learn how to teach a safe, engaging and effective yoga class in Andrea’s incredible, engaging style. Details and booking.
200h Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Gran Canaria
Available Dates: TBC
In this 200 hour Yoga Vinyasa Teacher Training we study the healing power of the body through the nature of the 5 elements through a base sequence which is provided to the students. We apply concepts of physical and energetic anatomy, and Ayurveda and Chinese medicine for the complete understanding of the sequence to be learned.
Students are encouraged to create from the basic sequence once they master it, looking for what each person has to give to the world. There will be a special emphasis on finding each one’s voice, bring in to light what is their contribution to the world and give them tools to apply it in their lessons.
Some of the sessions focus on learning how to hold spaces where the work done by the assistants is profound, such as intensive workshops, retreats and training. The whole process of transformation is always guided with love.
Daily activities based on body expression, simple ancestral rituals and coaching techniques are held, with the aim of opening new paths for the students to reconnect with themselves and find what’s unique in them.
All the tools that will be put into practice during the workshops will be provided in an understandable way so that everyone can use them in their lessons and in their daily life. Some of the practices and meditations take place in Nature to recharge and feel in depth the element with which we work.
This Vinyasa yoga training is accredited by the Yoga Alliance and all of its content has been reviewed by AllYouCanYoga. Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome. Details and pricing.
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